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Parkview Elementary School

Parkview Elementary School


Amazing 5th grader's stop motion animation from a fieldtrip to Chico State's animation dept!

Amazing 5th grader's stop motion animation from a fieldtrip to Chico State's animation dept!



4th and 5th grade GATE at Parkview Elementary School 
A STEM school

Stephanie Cunniff - Principal -
Leanne Miller - 4th Grade Teacher -
Emily Akimoto - 5th Grade Teacher -
The GATE program at Parkview is designed to encourage and allow kids to grow in their learning and educational practice.  Students will be challenged with a variety of learning opportunities, while always strengthening their fundamental academic basics such as math fact, reading, and strengthening their writing. Project Based Learning is our primary method of learning and presenting. 
Your child will be presented a balanced approach toward curriculum through technology, books, and traditional paper and pencil methods. We focus on various learning styles to access the curriculum . Your child will go on field trips, do hands - on projects, create presentations, use Google Apps for Education, make green screen productions, do writing projects, create videos and movies, and more fun and engaging things.

Furthermore, because of our access to Bidwell Park, we’ll go on walking field trips to do work and play in the park throughout the year, as well as walk to connect with CSUC for various activities.
Though we’ll focus on 4th and 5th grade state standards, we strive to push each student to achieve their personal best and to grow academically at a pace that fits their needs. We use iReady math and iReady reading to allow individualized instruction in these areas to supplement whole group learning and teaching. We strive to create a working environment that keeps high performing kids engaged. 
To be clear, there is a lot of academic vigor in these classes.  While both teachers use whole group, small group, and individual guided instruction, there is a lot of independent work throughout the year. While there is quite a lot of work within the fun and interesting units, students that use the available classroom time to complete work earn positive results.


As is true in any class, students that don’ t apply themselves or strive to keep up with the assignments, may find these classes to be too much work.

Student Qualities for Success:
❏  Enjoy learning 
❏  Open  minded and willing to take on new challenges
❏  Independent workers who are self motivated
Incoming 4th  graders will spend significant amounts of time in team building activities as well as many other “get to know you” events to ensure a smooth transition from their neighborhood school. Students in Parkview’s GATE program  participate in all school - wide activities and follow the same school schedule as the other grades.